Present Continuous and Simple Present

1 minute read

1.Present Continuous (I am doing something)

A - Example situation

  • She is driving to work

B - I’m in the middle of doing it; I’ve started doing it and I haven’t finished yet;

  • Are you enjoying the party?
  • I am coding the Swift

C - You can use the present continuous with today/ thisweek/ this year(periods around now)

  • You’re working hard today.
  • It’s raining today

D - We use the present continuous when we talk about changes happening around now, especially with these verbs: (get,change,become,increase,rise,fall,grow,improve,begin,start)

  • Is your English getting better?
  • I want to change my enviroment

2.Simple Present (I do)

A - Example situation

  • He drives a bus

B - We use the simple present to talk about things in general. We use it to say that something happens all the time or repeatedly, or that something is true in general:

  • I usually leave for work at
  • I study swift language at

C - We use do/does to make questions and negative sentences:

  • What does this word mean?
  • Does it work well?

D - We use the simple present to say how often we do things:

  • I get up at 8:00 every morning

E - I promise/ I apologize

What do you suggest I do

3.Present Continuous and Simple Present (I am doing vs I do)

A - Compare

Present continuous ( I am doing ) <-> Simple present ( I do )

The water is boiling <-> Water boils at 1000 degrees Celcsius

I’m getting hungry <-> I always get hungryin the afternoon

B - I always do vs I always doing

I always drive to work = I do it every time

I’m always losing thing = I lose things very often




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