Line graph2

1 minute read

for those years, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number

as a proportion, surge, remain, plunge, At this time, two-thirds, consistently, by 2006 = divided into A, B, C , remain that way, has been growing slowly, is projected to continue to do so. , proportion of people, the portion of the A aged 1 to 2

The Line graph shows Chile’s population by age group, 1975 - 2035. -> The line graph shows past and future Chile’s demographic information from 1975 to 2035 divided into the age groups 0 to 14 years, 15 to 64 years, and 65 years and older

Overall, it is clear that 15-64 years group is consistently largest. -> the portion of the population aged 15 to 64 has consistently been the largest and will likely remain that way

Oldest group is 65 years and over goup their percentage increased slowly and is expected to more surplus. However, Under 15 years group decreased and projected to continue. -> It is also evident that the oldest group has been growing slowy and is expected to get even bigger. Meanwhile, the proportion of people under 15 has been plummeting and is projected to continue to do so

Looking at the graph more closely, One can see that 15-64 group increase percentage during period by 2015. and then they were down. Oldest group is going to be down consistently. In contrast, Youngest group growing up and after 2035 they will surpass to Oldest group.



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