Line graph

1 minute read

for those years, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number

as a proportion, surge, remain, plunge, At this time, two-thirds, consistently In contrast, by 2006

The line grpah below shows the usage of oil in Iceland, Sweden, Italy, Turkey from 1966 to 2006. -> the percentage of oil used in Iceland, Sweden, Italy and Turkey from 1966 to 2006 as a proportion of each country’s total energy consumption

Overall, It is clear that Usage of Turkey increase directly, Italy relatively consistent, Sweden and Iceland decrease. -> Turky’s proportion of oil use surged over the 40-year period. Meanwhile, the share of oil usage in Italy remained relatively consistent, but Sweden and Iceland’s percentage plunged.

Looking at the graph more closely, one can see that Turkey’s usage is 2 to 3 of Italy in 1966. then It is same as by the end -> Turkey had the lowest proportion of oil use in 1966. At this time, the nation relied on oil for around 60 percent of its energy needs, which was only two-thirds of the proportion Italy used. Turkey’s share was the same as Italy’s at 90percent.

Italy’s usage highly maintain between 80 and 90 percent. -> Italy’s proportion was consistently high, maintaing a share of between 80 to 90 percent throughout the period.

Usage of Sweden and Iceland drop from 1966 and 1986 -> In contrast, Sweden and Iceland saw steep percentage declines during the first half of the period, with each dropping approximately 40 percentage points.

Especially,Sweden continue to down gradually to 35 percent in 2006. -> The share of oil use in Sweden continued to gradually decrease, reaching 35 percent by 2006.

Iceland increase smalluy from 1986 to 1996 and then decrease directly in 2006. -> Iceland experienced a small percentage point rise from 1986 to 1996 before dropping significantly to around 20 percent in 2006, the lowest share of oil use among the four countries.



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