for those years, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number

1 minute read

The bar graph shows the international average internet user of Greece, Denmark, Canada, and the world average. -> The bar graph shows the number of Internet user in Greece, Denmark, and Canada from 1998 to 2013 alongside the world average for those years

Overall, It is clear that the number of user of Denmark and Canada are more than other countries. -> Denmark and Canada had considerably more Internet Users than the others during this 15-years period.

Unless, Greece’s users are lesser than other countries. but their number were grown up slowly. ->In contrast, Greece had few users, which was close to the world average, but both gradually increased just as the other countries did.

Looking at the graph more closely, one can see that Denmark is roughly four times between 1998 and 2003. -> the number of Internet users in Denmark roughly quadrupled from 23,000 to 95,000 over the 15 years

In 1998, Although they were second, they overall Canada in 2003. -> In 1998, it had the second highest number of Internet users, but it had surpassed Canada by 2003.

Canada directly increase between 1998 and 2003. but after 2003 they slowly increase. the number of user in 2013 is more three times than 1998. -> While growth after 2003 for Canada was slow, the nation’s overall number of users ultimately expanded by more than threefold from 1998 to 2013.

Greece incremented about 20,000 people per five year -> Also, Greece experienced gains of about 20,000 new users every five years.




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