
3 minute read

The table show information about management position held by woman in four industry. The position is divided into manager, excoutive and CEO. -> The table shows the management roles occupied by women within four industries in a European country during 2006 as a percentage of the total for each type of position.

Overall, it is clear that waman CEOs are working in Hospitality field and we could know the lowest percentage is Manufacturing sector. -> Overall, it is clear that of all the industries, hospitality had the highest proportion of women in senior positions, and manufacturing had the lowest.

Looking at the table more closely, one can see that,in hospitality industry, the managers occupy one-thirds, executives and CEOs each have one-fifths. -> Looking at the table more closey, one can see that the proportion of managers in the hospitality industry stands out, with women representing almost one-third of those in this position.

there are fewest managers, excutives and CEOs in manufacturing area. -> This industry also had the highest proportion of female executives and CEOs, with these categories each accounting for about one-fifth of th total. Manufacturing had the lowest proportion of female employeses in all three tpye of position, with women accounting for nine percent of manage

Proportion of that Managers are working in Finace and It field is approximately 16%. on the other hand, the percentages of Executive and CEOs are lower. -> In both finance and IT, approximately 16 percent of managers were women, but in finance, women made up less than five percent of executives and less than two percent of CEO

IT fields CEOS are half of Executives percentage. -> In IT, meanwhile, 12.82 percent of executives and 6 percent of CEOs were female.

-table in the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 , combined, It is also noticeable that sv, during this period, A upward trend was seen, to five times, the lowest volum the figures sharply dropped by the year 2000, have the lowest proportion of, 10% of people

-line the proportion of people, the protion of the A aged 1 to 2, plum, get bigger, grew, comprise, gradually reaching nearly 10 percent, has been consistently shrinking, expand, soar, unchanged, indicates, according to the graph ove the 10-year period, over the nine years following 2000

-bar for those year, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number, surge, remian plunge, at this time, two-thirds, consistently, by 2000, divided into A B C, remain that way, has been grouwing slowly, will likely remain that way

-pie went up by five percentage points, 5% of users, become the second largest in 2000, occupy, is splited between, The pie charts shows information about, is used for, without, except, apart from, lower than, is used in, under 10 percent, respectively equal to or less than 10 percent

-table in the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 , combined, It is also noticeable that s v during this period, A upward trend was seen, to five times, the lowest volume the figures sharply dropped by the year 2000

-line the proportion of people, the protion of the A aged 1 to 2, plum, get bigger, grew, comprise, gradually reaching nearly 10 percent, has been consistently shrinking, expand, soar, unchanged, indicates, according to the graph over the 10- year period, over the nine years following 2001

-bar for those year, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number, surge, remain plunge, at this time, tow-thrids, consistently, by 2000, divided into A,B,C, remain that way, has been growing slowly, will likely remain that way

-pie went up by five percentage points, 5% of users, become the second largest in 2010, occupy, is splited between, The pie charts show information about how, is used for, without, except, apart from, lower than, is used in, under 10 percent, respectively equal to or less than 10percent



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