
2 minute read

The table show information about beef exports in 5 countries in 2012,2014,2016. -> The table show information about the amount of beef that was exported from five countries in the years 2012, 2014, and 2016.

Overall, is is clear that Brazil is the country of exporting beef than other four countries. Growth rate of Japan is highest -> Overally, It is clear that Brazil exported more beef than other countries combined. It is also noticeable that Japan had the highest growth rate during this perios.

Looking at the table more closely, one can see that Brazil went steadily up by 2016. -> Looking at the table more closely, one can see that the amount of beef Brazil exported rose from 123 to 124 tones between 2012 and 2016.

Japas’s quantities increase five time from 2012 to 2016. -> During the same period, a dramatic upward trend was seen in Japan, where beef exports increased to almost five times what they were in 2012.

Uruguay is second highest number although it has flexible. -> The second largest beef exporter was Uruguay, which consistently exported around 100 tonnes every year.

Norway and Switzerland haven’t export a lot. -> In contrast, Norway and Switzerland had the lowest export volume, with both nations shipping out under 100 tonnes in all three years.

Norway increased 2 time in 2014 and then decreased in 2016 -> Norway did experience a surge in 2014, when its beef exports more than double, but this figure sharply dropped by the year 2000

-table in the years 2000, 2001, and 2002 , combined, It is also noticeable that s v during this period, A upward trend was seen, to five times, the lowest volume the figures sharply dropped by the year 2000

-line the proportion of people, the protion of the A aged 1 to 2, plum, get bigger, grew, comprise, gradually reaching nearly 10 percent, has been consistently shrinking, expand, soar, unchanged, indicates, according to the graph over the 10- year period, over the nine years following 2001

-bar for those year, during period, In contrast, roughly, from a to b, surpass, exceed, second highest number, surge, remain plunge, at this time, tow-thrids, consistently, by 2000, divided into A,B,C, remain that way, has been growing slowly, will likely remain that way

-pie went up by five percentage points, 5% of users, become the second largest in 2010, occupy, is splited between, The pie charts show information about how, is used for, without, except, apart from, lower than, is used in, under 10 percent, respectively equal to or less than 10percent



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