5.DigitRecognition - SVM algorithm
SVM algorithm
1. SVM algorithm
- What is support vector machine algorithm?
- The method that divide into data and furthest hyper plane, and then make tow group.
- Max margine hyper plane
- hyper plane : w * x + b = 0
- To seek w which make max margin (
How to solve? -> define Constrainsts, Lagrange multiplier, KTT condition, etc
The solution -> The optimal solution for seperating the given data.
Allow misclassification
- If the given sample is couldn’t divided perfectly two group, Misclassification is allowed.
- C value is parameter set by user
- If C value is high, misclassification error will be low but margin is also to be low
- Seperating non-linear data
- SVM is linear classification algorithm but real data are could distributed to non-linear.
- If dimension of non-linear data is expaned, it could seperated
- Example of dimension expand
- kernel trick
- This method use the non-linear kernel function which replace dot product operation of vector in SVM hyper plane instead of using directly mapping function.
- Main kernel function
-Polynominal :
- Radial basis function :
- If gamma vlaue is high, it is very dependent on train data -> complex decision plane -> possiblity of overfitting will be high/
2. Use OpenCV SVM
- Genearate SVM object
cv2.ml.SVM_create() -> retval
- retval : cv2.ml_SVM object
- Set SVM type
cv.ml_SVM.setType(type) -> None
type : sort of SVM
- Set SVM kernel
cv.ml_SVM.setKernel(kernelType) -> None
- kernelType : type of kernel function
- SVM automatic trian( k-fold cross validation)
cv.ml_SVM.trainAuto(samples, layout, reponses, kFold=None, ...) -> retva;
- samples : train data matrix
- layout : train data set method
- responses : response vector to each train data
- kFold : part set number for cross validation
- retval : If train complete nomally, it is True
3. HOG & SVM digit recognition
- SVM trainning using for HOG feature vector
- HOG & SVM digit recognition example
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