2.Cartoon filter - Image filtering

2 minute read

Image filtering

1. What is image filtering

  • Image filtering
    • The task filter the unecessary information and pass the necessary information to image

  • Frequency domain filtering


  • Spatial domain filtering
    • The method directly use the fixel value of video
    • Generally Using the mask operation (mask = kernel = window = template)
  • The form and value of mask makes the task to define
    • Making smoothly image
    • Making sharply image
    • Edge detection
    • Noise reduction

  • Example spatial domain filtering


  • Basic 2D filtering
cv2.filter2D(src, ddepth, kernel, dst=None, anchor=None, delta=None, borderType=None) -> dst
  • src : Input video
  • ddepth : Data type of output image ex) cv2.CV_8U, cv2.CV_32F
  • kernel : Filter mask metrix
  • anchor : Position of fix point
  • delta : Additional added value
  • borderType : Border pixel Expension method
  • dst : Output image

2. Blurring

  • Mean filter
    • Specific coordination value of image set the arithmetical average of near fixel values.
    • The scale value change of each pixel decreases and the sharp edge is going to be smooth. so The effect of noise disappears.


  • Mean filtering function
cv2.blur(src, ksize, dst=None, anchor=None, borderType=None) -> dst
  • src : Input video
  • ksize : Mean filter size ( tuple type - (width, height) )
  • dst : Output video

  • Mean filter example


3. Gaussian filter

  • Disadvantage of the bluring using Mean filter
    • From the position of target, Both near pixel and distant pixel use the same weight for calculating the average.
    • The distant pixel could be affected

  • 1-Dimension Gaussian function


  • 2-Dimension Gaussian function


  • Gaussian filtering function
cv2.GaussianBlur(src, ksize, sigmaX, dst=None, sigmaY=None, borderType=None) -> dst
  • src : Input image
  • dst : Output image
  • ksize : Gaussian kernel size
  • sigmaX : x-directional sigma
  • sigmaY : y-directional sigma
  • borderType : Edge pixel expension method

  • Gaussian filter mask example


4. Sharpening

  • Unsharp mask filtering
    • Unsharp image, Being the sharped image use to make sharp image.

  • Realize unsharp mask filter



5. Reduction noise - median filter

  • Noise of image
    • The Unexpected form of the signal be added at pixel value of the image.


  • Sort of noise
    • Gaussian noise
    • Salt & Pepper


  • Median filter
    • It replace pixel values by sorting to median value, where are near center position.
    • It is effect to reduce the Salt & Pepper noise


  • Median filter function
cv2.medianBlur(src, ksize, dst=None) -> dst
  • src : Input image
  • ksize : Kernel size
  • dst : Output image

  • Median filtering example


6. Bilateral filter

  • It’s one of edge-preserving noise removal filter
  • It have weakness that Median filter and gaussian filter make to average out the pixel value nearby edge.


  • Normal gaussian filtering : Blurring in the whole image.


  • Bilateral filter : Burring in the out of edge


  • Bilateral filtering function
cv2.bilateralFilter(src, d, sigmaColor, sigmaSpace, dst=None, borderType=None) -> dst
  • src : Input image
  • d : Distant(Diameter) of pixel
  • sigmaColor : Standard deviation in color space
  • sigmaSpace : Standard deviation in coordination space
  • dst : Output image
  • borderType : Edge pixel processing method

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