OpenCV Main Function Description

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Open CV Main Function Description

1.OpenCV Api searching


2.Load Video file

cv2.imread(filename, flags=None) -> retval
  • filename : the name loading video (literal)
  • flags : the option flag loading video
function description
cv2.IMREAD_COLOR Read as BGR color video
shape = (rows,cols,3)
cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE Read as Gray scale
shape = (rows,cols)
cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED Read as original video property
(e.g) transparent file shape = (rows,cols,4)
  • retval : the video data loaded (numpy.ndarray)

3.Save Video file

cv2.imwrite(filename, img, params=None) -> retval
  • filename : the name to save video (literal)
  • img : image data to be saved (numpy.ndarray)
  • params : select option to save file ( integer of attribute & value )
    e.g) [cv.IMWRITE_JPEG_QUALITY,90] : specify the compression ratio as 90%

-retval : If save is successful, it is True. If save is fail, it is False.

4.Open the new window

cv2.namedWindow(winname, flags=None) -> None
  • winname : the name of window (literal)
  • flag : select the flag of window attibute
cv2.WINDOW_NORMAL specify the video size to fit the window size
cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE translate the window size to fit the video size

5.CLose the widdow

cv2.destroyWindow(winname) -> None
cv2.destroyAllWindows() -> None
  • winname : the name of window you want to close

** cv2.destroyWindow() just close a window,
cv2.destroyAllWindows() close all window.

6.Move the window

cv2.moveWindow(winname,x,y) -> None
  • winname : the name of window
  • x,y : the position coordinate to move

7.Resize the window

cv2.resizeWindow(winname,width,height) -> None
  • winname : the name of window
  • width : the horizontal size of window to change
  • height : the vertical size of window to change

8.Show the window

cv2.imshow(winname,mat) -> None
  • winname : the name of window
  • mat : the data to show video data (numpy,ndarray)
    ** Note
    • If the case is unit16, int32,divide the matrix element value by 255 and print them out.
    • If the case is float32, float64,multiply the matrix element value by 255 and print them out.
    • Actually, the image appears on screen only when cv2.waitKey() function is called.

9.Wait Keyboard input

cv2.waitKey(delay=None) -> retval
  • delay : the waiting time (e.g) delay <= 0, wait forever. delfault value is 0
  • retval : pressed key value. (if not, the value is -1)
    ** Note
    • Main special key code : 27(ESC) , 13(ENTER), 9(TAB)

    • Use ord() function to check the input of specific key

        while True:
        if cv.waitKey() == ord('q'):

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