Handle the keyboard Task

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Handle the keyboard Task

1. Waiting fuction of keyboard input

cv2.waitKey(delay=None) -> retval
  • delay : Waiting time ex) delay <= 0 is infinite delay. defautl value is 0.
  • retval : Putted key (ASCII code). ex) if not key is putted,it’s -1.

  • Note
    • cv2.waitKey() function opearates when OpenCV window is opened.
    • If you want to check the specific key press, you use the ord() function.
         while True:
        if cv2.waitKey() == ord('q'):

      *** Main special Key code : 27 (ESC), 13 (ENTER), 9 (TAB)

2. Handle the mouse event

  • the function that calls back the mouse event.
cv2.setMouseCallback(windowName, onMouse, param=None) -> None
  • windowName : Window name that mouse event handle.
  • onMouse : The callback function for handle mouse event.
    • It should follow like that frame
        onMouse(event,x,y,flags,param) -> None
  • param : data that pass to callback funtion

3. THe frame that handle mouse event function(callback function)

onMouse(event,x,y,flags,param) -> None
  • event : The sort of mouse event. ex) constant starting with cv.EVENT_FLAG

  • x : x coordination
  • y : y coordination
  • flags : The situation when break mouse event ex) constant starting with cv.EVENT_FLAG
  • param : The data that is setted from cv2.setMouseCallback() function.

4. The method How to check the operation time

  • Computer Vision generally handles high capacity data. So We should manage the final result through series of processes checking the operation time.

  • TickMeter class could check the operation time in OpenCV

cv2.TickMeter() -> tm
  • tm : cv2.TickMeter object
  • tm.start() : start time check
  • tm.stop() : stop time check
  • tm.reset() : initialize time check
  • tm.getTimeSec() : return the time check per second
  • tm.getTimeMilli() : return the time check per milli second
  • tm.getTimeMicro() : return the time check per micro second

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