Controll Brightness of Video
Controll Brightness of Video
1. Point processing
- The operation sets the coordination pixel value of the output video from the translated coordination pixel value of the input video.
- The pixel value of result video should be in specific range(ex- gray scale).
2. What is controll brightness?
- The operation makes video more light or dark.
3. Addition computation to controll brightness of video
cv2.add(src1,src2, dst=None, mask=None, dtype=None) -> dst
- src1 : (input) first video or scala.
- src2 : (input) second video or scala.
- dst : (output) the result video of addition computaion.
- mask : Mask Video
- dtype : The type of output video ex) cv2.CV_8U etc
*** Note
- The scalar is tuple that is composed of one real value or four real vale.
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