13.Basic - C++
12.Basic - C++
#include <iostream>
#include <cctype>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <new>
// 36. Function Pointers
void FileFunc(){
std::cout << "File Function \n";
// 37. Pointer to Pointers
void FileCredit(float** fpp){
while(**fpp != 0) {
if (**fpp<0){
} else {
// 38.const Pointer Arguments
void CopyUpper(char* s1, const char* s2){
while ( ( *s1++ = (toupper(*s2++))) !='\0');
// 39. The new and delete operators
struct Date {
int day;
int month;
int year;
//43. Passing References
struct bigone {
int serno;
char text[1000];
void slowfunc(bigone p1){
std::cout << p1.serno << '\n';
std::cout << p1.text << '\n';
void fastfunc(bigone& p1){
std::cout << p1.serno << '\n';
std::cout << p1.text << '\n';
// 44. Returning References
struct Date2 {
int day,month,year;
Date2 birthdays[] = {
const Date2& getdate(int n){
return birthdays[n-1];
// 45. Const Reference
struct Date3 {
int day, month, year;
} dt3 = {1,2,98};
// 46. Const Reference Parameter
void DisplayDate(const Date3& dr){
std::cout << dr.day << ' '
<< dr.month << ' '
<< dr.year << ' ' ;
// 47. Stringizing Operators
#define Error(n) std::cout << "\nError " #n << '\n'
// 48. Token Concatenation Operators
#define BookChaperVerse(b,c,v) b ## c ## v
// 49. More Concatenation
#define AbleBaker "alpha beta"
#define cat(a,b) a ## b
// 50. If & End-If
#define DEBUG 1
#define DEBUG2
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// 36. Function Pointers
void (*funcp)(); // 1 make function
funcp = FileFunc; // 2 put address
(*funcp)(); // 3 run function
// 37. Pointer to Pointers
// double pointer = pointer의 메모리 주소를 저장
float vals[] {34.12, 76.12, 43.09, -92.14, 84.32,0};
float* fp = vals;
std::cout << *fp << '\n';
// 38.const Pointer Arguments
char rcv[25];
const char snd[] = "han\n";
CopyUpper(rcv, snd);
std::cout << rcv;
// 39. The new and delete operators
Date* birthday = new Date;
birthday->day = 20;
birthday->month = 8;
birthday->year = 2020;
std::cout << "Born in = " << birthday->day <<'.'
<< birthday->month <<'.' << birthday -> year << '\n';
// 40.New Delete & Dynamic Arrays
int size = 3;
int *array = new int[size];
for( int i = 0 ; i < size ; i++){
array[i] = std::rand();
for( int i =0; i <size ; i++){
std::cout << '\n' << array[i];
delete [] array;
std::cout << '\n';
// 41. References
int actualint = 123;
int &otherint = actualint;
std::cout << actualint << " = ";
std::cout << otherint << '\n';
std::cout << actualint << " = ";
std::cout << otherint << '\n';
std::cout << actualint << " = ";
std::cout << otherint << '\n';
// 42. Addresses of References
int ac = 123;
int &other = ac;
std::cout << &ac << " = " << &other << '\n';
// 43. Passing References
static bigone bo = {123,"This is a BIG structure"};
// 44. Returning References
int dt = 3;
if (dt > 0 && dt < 6){
const Date2& rd = getdate(dt);
std::cout << rd.day << '/'
<< rd.month << '/'
<< rd.year << '/' << '\n';
// 45. Const Reference
const Date3& dr = dt3;
std::cout << dr.day << '/'
<< dr.month << '/'
<< dr.year << '/' << '\n';
// 46. Const Reference Parameter
//const Date3& dr = dt3;
// 47. Stringizing Operators
// 48. Token Concatenation Operators
unsigned bcv = BookChaperVerse(5, 12, 3);
std::cout << bcv << '\n';
// 49. More Concatenation
std::cout << cat(Able,Baker) << '\n';
// 50. If & End-If
std::cout << "Debugging \n";
std::cout << "Running \n";
#if defined DEBUG2
std::cout << "Debugging2 \n";
std::cout << "Running2 \n";
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