1 minute read

1.Present Continuous and Simple Present (I am doing and I do)

A - We use continous forms for actions and happenings that have started but not finished

It is raining

B - When think means “believe” or “have an opinion”, we don’t use continuous

What do you think about my plan?

I’m thinking about what happend.

C - He is selfish Vs He is being selfish

Being selfish = behaving selfishly at the moment

He is selfish generally, not only at the moment

D - We normally use the simple present with these verbs.(see hear smell tate)

This room smells

2.Simple Present (I did)

A - Example situation

He started

B - Reguar verbs and Irregular verbs

I worked.

I worte

C - In questions and negatives we use did/didn’t + base form (enjoy / see / go etc.)

Did you go last night?

D - The past of be( am / is /are ) is was /were

I was happy

3.Past continuous ( I was doing )

A - Example situation

They were playing tennis.

B - I was in the middle of doing something at a certain time.

The action had started, but not finished.

C - Compare the past continuous ( I was doing ) and simple past ( I did ).

Past continous = in the middle of an action

Simple past = complete action

D - Some verbs are not normally use in the continuous ( know, want)

We knew each other well


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